Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Let's Get This Party Started!

For months now my friend Julie and I have been getting together for projects. We'd tile a bathroom floor, cut out a crab-grass infested lawn and replace it with 8 tons of gravel, build a picket know, girl stuff! :)

We'd also planned a fabulous party for my husband's 40th birthday, complete with table decorations & all his favorite foods. And we'd find amazing old furniture at a second hand store, take it home and strip off the old paint, sand it down and give it new life with a fresh coat of bright paint.

Somewhere along the way we decided we needed to start documenting our "adventures", and so this blog was born.  In the coming days and weeks we hope to share some of our creativity and re-purposing of old materials with you and maybe inspire you to have some adventures of your own.

Stay tuned! We're about to get this party started!!